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SynDiag is The Best Syndromal Diagnosis Computer Program

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The program SynDiag has three main libraries:

    1. Sign library is organised in a three-step manner: a) System, b) Organ, c) Sign. The library includes the list of major and minor malformations and dysplasias, functional, laboratory, roentgenologic and some other data (near 1667 signs).

    2. Syndrome pattern library includes 2800 nosologic forms. Each pattern gives the full image of the syndrome clinical picture and also includes: a) the name and main synonyms; b) the amount of patients, being included in the analysis; c) the amount of signs; d) the amount of screens with photos; e) the population frequency; f) literature; g) complete syndrome description in which the frequency (in %) and diagnostic value of every sign, and mode of inheritance are shown. Diagnostic value subdivides all signs of a syndrome pattern in three groups: diagnostic, helpful and auxiliary.

    3. Photolibrary includes near 1600 screens with 1 to 6 photos of our patients with different syndromes. Photos are kept in JPEG compressed graphic format.
